Adventures · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Trees!

Once when the Husband and I were in the Porcupine Mountains on one of the look out towers they have a lady came up the steps, looked out over the view, and yelled down to her friends “Don’t bother coming up. It’s just more trees.” The Husband may have needed to restrain me from “accidently” bumping her back down the steps…. 😉 So here’s some different trees and tree adjacent things for you to appreciate. Don’t be that lady!

Fairy Umbrellas!
Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Nature Self-Care

We went to a new park. Piggy had a blast! The last picture is her expression when we put her back in the car to leave. The leaf in the featured picture was huge, probably at least 7 inches across!

Poison ivy is so pretty! Also, so itchy!
Wordless Wednesdays

Thoughtful Thursday- Park Adventures With Piggy

We have decided to keep our goofy meatball dog, Piggy! We’ve been getting her used to new places, so I took her to a new park yesterday.