
Throwback: Howe’s Cavern

Hello! I realized I haven’t actually written about seeing Howe’s Cavern in New York and since the pictures were pretty cool, wanted to post about it. The Husband and I went to Howe’s for the start of our East Coast Trip in 2022. I had miscalculated the driving hours, so we ended up doing a 10 hour day and then going to the cavern tour when we got up. It was a pretty neat way to start the day though, I will say! Here’s a picture of the fog over the mountains that we woke up to.

The caverns are located in the Schoharie Valley region and was called “Otsgaragee” or “Cave of the Great Galleries” or “Great Valley Cave” by the Native Americans in the area. It’s not known how far into the caves the Native Americans had explored. The first white person who is reported to have found the cave entrance was around 1770, but not much is known other than that. Supposedly he was a peddler who was hiding from an attack in the entrance of the cave.

Lester Howe, a local farmer and his family, settled land across from the hidden cave entrance in the 1880’s and reportedly rediscovered the cave, by following his cows on a hot day to find cool air blowing from a cleft in the rocks on his neighbor’s property. He eventually bought the property from his neighbor and began to offer tours of the caves. The Howe’s Cavern website has some more information on the history and timelines for the cave, if you’d be interested to learn more.

Here are some pictures from the cave. The tour included a boat ride, but that was mostly in the dark, so there are no pictures from that. We liked our tour guide, she was pretty funny. The cave itself was pretty chilly and slippery in some parts, as you might expect. It wasn’t a hard walk though. There were some tight spaces, but overall we we impressed. It’s amazing to think of the work that was done with more primitive mining tools and safety precautions that we take now.

It was really interesting to see the colors from the different minerals on the wall and the shapes of natural erosion.

This rock formation was called “Pagoda Rock. It was in a deeper part of the cavern off the path.

We took a picture in front of the heart rock and alter area. You can get married in Howe’s Caverns, although would need to be a very small wedding! The superstition is that if couple’s kiss on the quartz heart rock, they’ll stay together for 10 more years of bliss. Since it had just been our 10 year anniversary, we definitely kissed on the heart.

I hope you enjoyed seeing some pictures from Howe’s Caverns. I am hoping to get caught up sharing our adventures from last year. We had a lot of fun on our East Coast trip and I think I’ve only shown part of it. Last year was a tough year and I’m just starting to recover from it now. I’m determined to showcase the good things from it though, not just dwell on the negatives. So stay tuned for more vacation pictures!

Adventures · Sewing

Disney Sewing

I did some sewing, of course, for my Disney girl’s trip and thought I should share it! The first three are embroideries that I was playing around with with a possible intention to making something for the trip. They didn’t get made into anything, but they are Disney themed and pretty to look at. The first one is, of course, Cinderella’s Carriage.

The second one is the Beast’s rose. I accidently put part of the pink where the golden lines was supposed to go. I think it still looks good though.

This third one is Ariel, but the colors are slightly off from what I wanted them to be. I really liked the background fabric though and wanted to keep the colors matching that. I will maybe redo it. K said she liked it, so perhaps she will get something made it with. I hadn’t cut the extra threads yet in the picture.

I made this shirt for Disney bounding, which is where you dress up themed as a character without actually being dressed in a character costume. I went as Rapunzel, because, of course I did. 🙂 I braided my hair and put flowers all down my braid. The purple skort in the picture below has pockets and matched the purple in the shirt perfectly. I also had a sun necklace and a set of frying pan earrings. In the movie, which is where these images on the shirt are from, Rapunzel wields a frying pan several times to great effect. It was the day it rained so in the next picture, I have my cozy Disney hoodie I bought so I wouldn’t freeze. We kept saying we didn’t intend to bring the cold winter weather from home with us to Florida.

I made the purple skort by combining two separate patterns. I used my favorite skort pattern and then added pockets from a gathered skort pattern I had. It turned out super cute, although I made have to redo the waist as it is a little loose.

I made this rocket shirt on a whim and was excited to wear it to Epcot. It’s very comfy and cute! I liked getting to wear something science themed there. I also was excited to wear something I made on the day we went to the Festival of the Arts! It seemed like it fit with the theme as well. Both the Rapunzel tee and the rocket tee are from Peek a boo Patterns, but I think they may have retired the pattern, as I can’t find it on their website to purchase any more.

I also made another skort that was accidently reminiscent of Jasmine or Merida. It was a darker teal with gold dots on it. I liked it and it was made out of athletic material (as was the purple) so it kept me nice and cool. I don’t have a good picture of it, unfortunately. It’s super cute though! It’s a little gathered, so it looks like I’m wearing a cute gathered skirt, but it’s got the shorts and the pockets too.

It was fun to have an almost completely handmade wardrobe to wear on the trip and I think I’m getting my sewing mojo back. I hope you enjoyed hearing about them!

Life Posts

The Ladies’ Library Association

I hope you’re ready for some swoon worthy pictures! I was lucky enough to attend Sparkle Motion, a bellydance event put on by Boheme Tribal Bellydance last weekend and it was held at the Ladies’ Library Association of Kalamazoo. This lovely space is breathtaking! The featured picture is the ceiling above the staircase.

Their website is here:

I’ll give a brief history, but I encourage you to go poke around, as it has a fascinating history. The Ladies’ Library Association was formed in 1852. It was the first women’s’ club in Michigan and the third club in the nation. It was known as a “college for women” and guided partially by Lucinda Hinsdale Stone. Before buying the building in 1878, the Association met in private homes and (ladies after my own heart) acquired a large collection of books that could be borrowed. This collection became the first public library in Kalamazoo.

The Association also had the distinction of being the first women’s organization in the nation to be able to finance and own property.

It is housed in a glorious red brick house, built in the Venetian Gothic style. We were lucky enough to be able to use the auditorium, which is in the second story. The woodwork and stained glass had me in awe and I felt very privileged to be able to take the workshops and attend a performance here.

Photography was not permitted during the performance and I was too busy dancing my butt off to take pictures during the workshop, but I was able to roam around the building and take pictures before the event. The workshop was with Kami Liddle, by the way, who is a fabulous dancer and one of the first dancers I started watching. She’s extremely graceful and I admire her control and artistry.

Here is a Youtube link for you, if you want to see her style. I highly recommend watching it.

The first workshop was focused on arms and we learned lots of new arm patterns and ways to think about incorporating them choreography, as well as some good stretches for wrists and arms. We also had a two hour workshop on Shimmies and oh my gosh… My brain may have been a little fried in the good kind of way at the end. It was a fantastic workshop though and I’m glad I went. Less glad that I fell and twisted my knee, luckily after the workshops, while attempting to get out of the hotel shower. It does feel better now, but I’ve been out of commission for a bit.

Anyway, the building was spectacular. I was spoiled growing up in a house with stained glass, but my jaw dropped when I walked up the staircase.


The upper transoms of most of the regular windows had stained glass depicting different books and authors. I’m too short to do them justice unfortunately.

There were also mural windows downstairs, one in memory of one of the members, and this one, which is a piece commissioned by a local artist.

Until one of the volunteers told me, I wouldn’t have guessed that this was newer. It blends so well! The top transoms are the older glass, for comparison.

This one is the memory windows. Are you swooning yet?!

Not to be outdone, the woodwork made my heart go pitter patter too. The newel post!

These are the window pulls! With original hardware!!

This beauty goes all the way down the staircase.

Speaking of staircase… The other side of this is where the stained glass windows are. I swooned!

Inside shutters! For when the sun is too magnificent coming through the very tall windows.

Carved arches!

The venue also had very elegant plush chairs and delicious antiques set up in little nooks for reading.

Of course, I found the commemorative quilt, but it was too big to get a very good picture of. The hallway was very narrow.

There were some gorgeous chandeliers too.

I was so excited to be a part of the history of this space and could definitely feel the granduer and the pride that the volunteers had in it. I really want to go prowl around all the antique buildings now and see what other treasures are there. For now though, I will be dreaming about it and leave you with this elegant way of saying “tornado area.”

There’s also the fact that between the two of us, the Husband and I walked away with 40 books/media from the first of three book sales we are attending. It was not my fault entirely… If you bought 10 books, you got 10 free! What were we supposed to do? Needless to say, I’ve got some reading to do!

Have a lovely, book filled, cozy night!

Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday

Photo credit goes to the Husband. These are from his recent business trip. He got to stop at the Georgia Aquarium, which is the largest in the Western Hemisphere. We’re plotting a trip back, so I can go too.

My Grandma’s name was Florence, so the Husband sent me this one too. 🙂

Crafty · Life Posts · Recipe Roundup · Sewing

Recipes and Adventures!

I only made two new recipes last week and then we went on an adventure! I did help make a new ice cream recipe on our adventure, but our friends did the cooking, which was so nice.

I have one picture of the three recipes I made before we left. I redeemed myself from the chicken potpie that we don’t speak about, using leftovers from a roasted chicken.

The chicken recipe was from The Family Recipe Keeper. We had roasted potatoes from the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook. I threw some carrots in with the chicken.

Here’s the potpie and Fancy, being so jealous.

We also had Meatball Marsala, from one of the Food Network magazines. I’ve misplaced it, but when I find it, I’ll post the edition number. It was good. I made fancy mashed red potatoes to go with it. It wasn’t a very pretty looking dish though.

Fancy was very concerned that we were leaving her behind and started laying on our bags or sticking like glue to one or the other of us. She also didn’t let me finish the quilt I needed for this weekend.

I ended up attempting to car quilt, which just made me a little car sick and then finally finished it while everyone else was napping.

I believe it’s a split 9 patch from Bonnie Hunter, but set on point instead of regular. The pattern has something funny with it, but still looks okay. Baby S loved it and spent at least a half an hour rolling around in it. This is what happened when I first attempted pictures.

Fancy loved her time with the tiny human and was so concerned about him that she spent the whole weekend following him around and whining when he cried.

She was very gentle with him, although she did try to chew on almost all of his toys. She shared hers, for the most part, but did very nicely take the ball back from him when he grabbed it. She was a spoiled dog and got a tennis ball of her very own, but chewed some holes in it instead of playing nice.

K made some lovely baby and dog friendly treats and S didn’t like them cold, so he shared them all with Fancy. She quickly learned that his highchair  meant delicious dropped things from up above.

The Husband and I ate very well too. There was beef stew waiting fir us when we arrived. We had homemade butternut squash ravioli and beef and parm ravioli for lunch.

The squash were cooked in butter and sage and the beef had a homemade golden marinara sauce over it. Mmmmm…. K gave me  ravioli maker to play with, so I might be making some pasta on Friday.

We had the traditional dinner of corned beef and cabbage, with roasted veggies and carrots. Traditional soda bread too. It was all delicious!

We made Irish Whiskey Salted Caramel ice cream for dessert. One of the coolest things about K and A is that they have chickens and ducks! We got to use extremely fresh eggs for the ice cream. Guess which egg yolk is a duck egg yolk…

The ice cream was a little soft and a lot boozy! It was delicious though. Had it been harder, we probably would have made ice cream sandwiches with the giant homemade cookies that were made for the Husband. 🙂

I think we used a Pioneer Woman recipe for the Caramel sauce.

We had a great time and it was fun to meet the baby. He definitely helped wear Fancy out. She slept for most of yesterday.

Now she’s out basking in the sun. If we would let, her, she would probably stay there all day. 🙂 Hope your day is as sunny as her day!