Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup

There was a short delay after I started writing this post because there were ants. (About 7 of them before I got them.) I unexpectedly had to clean my kitchen cupboard and wash all the dishes. This was not exactly my plan for the night.

When we first moved in, we had a terrible time with red and black ants. I live in fear of another bad time. I think they had come from the moving truck. They were in a bunch of our boxes and we didn’t have them before we moved. Now I panic clean when I see tiny bugs. I hate bugs.

We had another week of late nights, but I made three new dishes. I had plans to make yogurt tonight; however, ants happened. I finally bought a yogurt maker and am excited to try it. It has the most adorable glass jars. I’ll try to get it going tomorrow, if I can get the rest of the cleaning done in time.

Well, enough about tiny creepy beasties, on to the real reason you are here: recipes!

1- Turkey Noodle Soup method by me.

Modifications: Can I actually make modifications on a made up recipe? 🙂 I used homemade chicken broth along with the store broth, turmeric, fresh herbs from the garden, carrots, onion, celery, leftover turkey, and mushrooms. I used about a stalk of celery, two carrots, an onion, about 4 cups of broth, and salt and pepper. Herb wise I used sage, oregano, rosemary, and thyme. I used about a teaspoon of turmeric. We had ditalani noodles, so I threw some of them in. Sautéed all the veggies first and dumped the broth in after. It was a yummy soup and we used up all the leftover turkey from the weekend.

Fancy is a bird dog in that she will follow you to kingdom come if you have poultry that she might be able to eat. She drooled all over the floor while I was making the soup. Then after I had it out to eat on the table, she wouldn’t stop sniffing it. Here is a picture of her turkey crazed eyes.

2- Old Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream from Six Sisters Stuff.

Modifications: We had 2% milk and cream, so I used those. I think it would come out creamier with whole milk. I used vanilla bean paste as well. It turned out delicious! I may have tried a spoonful of it for breakfast this morning…It made a little under two quarts. It also has no eggs. I do want to try a custard based recipe, but didn’t have the patience to deal with 8 egg yolks and the resulting egg whites. Maybe next week.

3- Thai Vegetable Curry with Lemongrass Rice from 400 Thai & Chinese Healthy Recipes for Healthy Living. Section: Vegetarian Main Dishes

Modifications: I didn’t have lemongrass , so the rice was cardamom and kefir lime leaf infused. I also used way less spicy peppers. Normally I would spice it up, but my stomach still hates me. The recipe started with a spice paste that made me want to eat it with a spoon. I almost swooned.

So I wasn’t planning to make this tonight. I was in the grocery store wanting to try a new recipe, without actually having looked up a recipe. I wanted something easy on my stomach and since the Husband was busy, I could eat vegetarian. I had finally decided on coconut curry and was reading the back of the a ready-made sauce packet trying to figure out what I needed. At one point, I texted the Husband to find out if it would be weird if I started reading cookbooks in the book aisle. He said it probably would be, so I refrained and guessed. 🙂

Oh my gosh, it was amazing. I used jasmine rice and it soaked up all the amazing sauce. I was so happy to not have to share. It was light and refreshing and comforting. If you are ever feeling bad, let me know and I will make you this. It will make anything better.

Our weeks should go back to normal after this. I may actually get some of these other recipes I want to try done.

Fancy will be glad to have us both on a sort of normal schedule again. I will be happy to have meals with the Husband again. It’s been kind of lonely with just me. Speaking of just me, I really need to go to bed. The ants made me crazy!