Crafty · Gardening

Craftiness and Garden Update

How did it get to be Monday again? It seems like it was just Tuesday and now I need a weekend to recover from the weekend. We had friends over for a Driveway Movie Night, where we projected “Moana” on the garage door and watched it from lawn chairs in the driveway. Fancy got to see a dog friend again and did really well when the other dog was in the house. We were happy with that, as she can be territorial.

It’s pouring rain and thundering this morning; the perfect kind of day to stay home and do nothing. I don’t have that luxury, sadly, but do have French Onion soup in the crockpot for later which will be comforting.

Fancy had the right idea this morning. She hid under the bed and refused to come out. I was making chocolate ice cream, so bribed myself with that, otherwise, I would have been under there with her.

I was pretty crafty last week. Having to be in the basement with Fancy helped me get some more fabric cut up and organized. I had to start a new box for purple fat quarters, as I kept finding more of them. I also almost completely cleaned out a box with random fabric and crafty things in it. I also made 12 new tea wallets for Twinflower Fancies, or Hawthorne and Vine, a flower shop where they are also currently being sold.

When I sew these, I organize them in color groups based on what color thread they will be sewn with. I chain sew them as well. It doesn’t make sense to do them one at a time, as I would have to switch thread colors constantly. Normally, I wait until I have three or more in each color before I start sewing them up. I tried to expand my color range this time. I know I tend to stick to colors and patterns that I like by accident, but need to remember that it may not appeal to others as well.

Here are the green ones:

These three buttons were my favorites, I think, from the whole stack.

Here are the two black ones:

And the blue ones:

The octopus one might have to be my work tea wallet. I just love it and don’t know if I can give it up, despite already having a Red Riding Hood one in my purse. It’s just too cute.

It ws fun to go through the fabrics and remember what they were from as I was sewing them. This batch had a lot of familiar prints.

The owls are from a baby quilt for my cousin’s little girl. The dark green and vine print one is from a purse that I had tried to hand sew when I first started out. It was not a good idea and I finally got up the nerve to just rip it and reuse the fabric.

The geranium one and the holiday recipe one are both made from scraps of aprons that have been made for my Mom. When I bought the geranium fabric, the lady at the cutting table asked if I could adopt her too, she was jealous. 🙂

The gold treble clefs are from pillows I finally made the Husband this year after buying the fabric when we were dating. The blue and white waves with the boat is from one of the first skirts that I made.

All the other fabrics are from the stash. It’s nice to think if those special fabrics being used for something else too. That’s why I love scrap quilts so much too, there are a lot of memories in each of them.

Now for the gardening update:

I keep accidentally almost killing my lettuces. Plus, there are spiders living in them. Gross, hairy spiders, who have made a home in the lettuces themselves and in the pots. The Husband is going to have to cut them when, or if, they survive. I am not having spiders crawl on me. I think I’ll stick to farmer’s market lettuce next year. Any tips would be appreciated.

We have been getting some strawberries before the squirrel does!

These were all from yesterday and I found another one today. There are still a bunch of green ones on the plants too.

My peppers are looking good. The Mammoth Jalapeño has a pepper started. We’ll see how big it gets and if it lives up to its name. 🙂

The tomatoes all have some started. This one is the Roma, I believe and it had the most on it. I need to get some more stakes.

Here is the cucumber. This sucker is huge! It has a lot of flowers, but no starts yet. It keeps trying to escape into the yard.

My herbs are doing alright. The basil doesn’t look good. There has been a beetle that keeps eating it and it got very leggy and scraggly looking. It has yellow bottom leaves too, which I’m sure isn’t good. The oregano seems to have bolted. It keeps sending up flowers. I’m going to prune them off and see if I can get more out of it. Everything else seems to be growing well.

This week I have a few late nights, but most of my other days have a little more flex in them than usual. The weeks that my biweekly clients all come can get a little crazy, but it evens out with a few slower days occasionally. I’m hoping to get the fabric washed for the Rainbow Quilt and get it ties this weekend. Our friends are coming over this weekend for another sewing/video game day, so I can get some sewing done then too.

I also have a goal of canning three recipes, blackberry cinnamon tequila jam, nectarine orange marmalade, and dill pickles. I have some time tomorrow and a few other times this week.

I’m considering starting a “Simple Sunday” post which would be a quote or two, either funny or inspiring. I found my quote book from a while ago and was sad that the quotes I liked were just sitting in a book and not getting shared. It would be a good way to find out other quotes too, so I think that will start this Sunday.

Have a great Monday!

Crafty · Gardening

Garden Woes and Crafty Happiness

This past weekend was so busy! I woke up today thinking it was Saturday. Sometimes I think I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.

I worked my last shift at my third job yesterday and now plan on using the extra weekend time to garden. We picked up our pallet of cinder blocks for the raised bed on Friday and while I was vending, he started tilling the space up. We had planned to dig down about 8 inches and put the first row of cinder blocks in the hole itself. Unfortunately, he found 3 buried cable lines and a huge tree root that was very shallow and goes diagonally across the entire garden spot.

Fancy was very pleased with the new hole to play in. She was too hot outside and it was nice and cool. The orange cord is the extension cord for the tiller.

We are going to have a container garden again this year instead, while we figure out what we can do to make the raised beds work. It is a huge disappointment for both of us, but the containers worked well last year. We’ll just have to buy a few more bushels of tomatoes to can is all. Hopefully we can get it started soon.

My list hasn’t changed for what I want to grow, just maybe scaled down a bit. Tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, squash, and peppers.

In crafty news, I did have fun vending this weekend. It was a great workshop and fun people. I wasn’t able to go to the show. I ended up with a migraine and had to stay home. I had a few repeat customers and got good reports on the things that they had previously bought, which is always a good thing.

I also made some new items. The flowers I made a while ago are in the featured picture. I made a set of cute fabric trays with boats. I want to make this into a set of four with a 14 inch tray in there as well. The 10 inch seems a bit too small.

I have a few more cut out to finish and I’m going to post both the flowers and trays on Etsy.

The trays I made for my office are working out well. I want to make a box for my puppets too, but may end up buying one. I haven’t figured out quite what I want to do yet.

Now I have to go finish clearing off the table and make something. I have a whole day to be productive, but so far I’ve just walked the dog and cleared the table. She is currently napping and it’s hard to resist joining her.


Free Fabric (and Fancy’s reaction)!

I know, I know! I should be saying “no new fabric,” but our friend Katy came to stay with us for a few days with her dog Moose, and brought a whole lot of free fabric from the costume shop. How could I say no to that?!

We did make an agreement though. The fabric I won’t use, I can donate or get rid of. I have the same arrangement with my Mom when she gives me fabric and I’ve been pretty good about it. Katy wasn’t sure what was in the bags, so it was lots of fun to go through them and see what could be discovered.

This may have been Fancy’s reaction to seeing all the new fabric. I think she thought I was going to take over her toy closet.

Here are a few more pictures of some of the fun fabrics.

This is a cotton fabric. I’m thinking about making a bellydance hip wrap, as it is long and a little too narrow for bags.

Red sparkly bow ties. I believe these are hand sewn. The stitches are very neat and orderly. They are also a cotton material.

Stretchy fabrics! The polka dot one is a very odd shaped remnant and is a pretty thick poly material. The yellow poly is in two slightly bigger pieces and is thinner. I’m kind of fascinated with it, but have no idea what to make. It should be enough to cover a dance bra though and would be quite sparkly on stage.

Olive Green jersey. There isn’t a lot of this and it is bottom weight, or heavier, so I am going to try to make a pair of sleep shorts or a casual skirt. It feels nice and smooth. I forgot to take the pin out, so that’s not a hole.

Stretch poly. This is very thick and makes my texture issues go wild, so I may not keep it. There is a bunch of it though and it’s very shiny. I’ll see how I feel about it in a month or so.

There were a ton of other fabrics too, some lace pieces, a bunch of blue satiny stuff, and some solid color broadcloth. There was also a full bag of little scrap pieces of all kinds of material, which might come to the office with me to be part of my art kit.

Speaking of the office, I have discovered that the totes I bought to store things in were not quite all that I needed. I’m constantly switching what I put where depending on what I am using at the time. I had thought that I might need to make some containers and I was right. I need a pencil trays for colored pencils, a container or two for my loose games, and a big basket for my puppets that I just acquired.

I went looking for what might work the best and found a few tutorials. I think I’m going to go with the fabric trays, as being able to see what is in things would be good. I am going to use fabrics I’ve been saving, primarily in blues and browns to go with the color scheme, but a few flamingos might slip in there as well.

Here is the website I used, in case, you might find something useful as well.

If the trays work out, I may put some on Etsy. I want to diversify my bag options a little more. If not, all I will be out is some fabric. I’ve got all the materials already.

I have a vending event this week, which is a local one, so it should be good. We’re also picking up the cinder blocks for the garden, which should be exciting. . Then, this coming Sunday is the second to last day of my third job! I’m excited to focus on growing my caseload and more on Etsy and the blog.

Tomorrow I plan to make one of the trays with some octopus fabric and some fabric that looks like sand. I’m hoping it turns out as cute as I think it will. If I can get it done on time, maybe I will post a picture on Wednesday. For now though, I’ll go dream of new fabric ideas.

Crafty · Recipe Roundup

Cooking and Crafting Musings

Whew! I am glad last week is over. It was crazy busy and I worked late each night.  We didn’t have many recipes to talk bout because we had canned soup one night, pizza for 2 nights, and I had the Husband bake his own chicken another night. The only two things I actually made were a Milk Chocolate Cherry Pie and more of a method for the chicken. I did make new recipe last night and attempted to make something on Sunday after I came home from my trip, but the Husband convinced me to have rotisserie chicken, salad, and bread instead. It was probably a much better idea, I was so sleepy and loopy from driving.

I’ll start with the recipes first and then talk about the crafts.

1- Milk Chocolate Cherry Pie from Icebox Pies: 100 Scrumptious Recipes for No-Bake No-Fail Pies by Lauren Chattman. Section: Chocolate Dream Pies

Modifications: None, I followed the recipe! We liked it, but it was very rich and we weren’t able to finish all of it ourselves. I think I would make it again for a party where there were more people to eat it.

2- Italian Marinated Chicken Drumsticks. Method by me: Throw chicken parts in a zip bag and add Italian Dressing, salt, pepper, oregano, basil, and garlic powder. Zip the bag and roll the chicken legs round in it. Bake at 375 for about an hour, depending on how frozen the chicken still is. Serve with a salad and bread. No pictures, I wasn’t home until after it was eaten.

3- Crossword Cipher Chicken from The Nancy Drew Cookbook by Carolyn Keene. Section: Picnic and Patio Get-Togethers

Modifications: I used butter instead of margarine. One, I didn’t have any, and Two, I don’t believe in margarine generally. I have one recipe that I use it in and that’s about it. We used garlic butter Ritz crackers for the breading and it was pretty good. The breading didn’t stick on very well in spots, until I started pushing the crumbs more firmly into the meat. We had garlic bread, raspberries, and roasted carrots with it. I don’t have a picture of the finished project, but did take a picture of the chicken before it was baked.

I was working on my vending items all week, but did squeeze in one more project from my list. I made some Kanzashi-Style Hair Clips from the book Button and Stitch by Kristen Rask. I made them into pins as I have misplaced my hair clips. I’ve made something similar before, but this time I decided to sew a back on and sew the whole thing instead of hot glue. I think it looks neater and It was a good project to do while out of power.  Eventually they will go into  my vending stash, once I have worked out the kinks. I like doing the little projects like this, as it’s lots of fun to pick out the perfect buttons for it. It also helps me use up my already cut squares. My 2 inch square bag is currently overflowing. I want to try them with my bigger squares too for a different look.

Vending is a funny thing for me. I always get anxious about it, even though I have a lot of product. I’ve been trying to branch put from my preferred colors and patterns into more things that might appeal to others. I vend at bellydance events, mostly local, as I bellydance myself. Since I also have my Etsy store, it can be a good way to get my Twinflower Fancies brand to be more well-known. It can be disappointing though, when my table gets passed over or I don’t seem to be in the right genre. This weekend inspired me to work more on my Etsy store and see if I can develop better style and pictures online. Hopefully my next events will be a little less discouraging. I definitely came home from this weekend not understanding what was wrong and struggling with the motivation to make more items to sell.

I might take a break from making Etsy or vending items for a few weeks and make a few things just for me. I am reading a bunch of sewing blogs that are inspiring me to work on my clothes goals, including working with my serger. Hopefully I’ll have more clothes pictures to show you next week.

Crafty · Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesdays

Mondays are typically a craft post, but I haven’t finished many projects this week. I’ve had more work, so less time to be crafty. So this post will be a combo post. I did finish two bellydance hip skirts with tassels. I have vending events coming up and needed to have some more stock on hand. Both of these were from the UFO project bin, so that was lovely.

The day I started on one of these skirts was extremely frustrating as well. I discovered there was an obvious flaw in one of the backing pieces and then discovered that I had absolutely nothing else that would work with the fabric. And I had no ribbons for waist ties… None of the right colored thread… Not enough of the right colors for tassels… It’s a wonder I didn’t quit on the spot. There may have been some unladylike language. The dog was a little concerned.

Hopefully this weekend I can get some of my other projects done as well. Enough words. Here’s some pictures.




Crafty Completions

I didn’t do a lot of cooking this week. We had Chinese New Year left overs coming out our ears, and both of us had to work late. I ended up only making two new recipes. Tonight I am making a couple of new ones, so I’ll wait to add them together.

I got frustrated by my UFO box, well, boxes really, this week.  They are not organized and all over my basement. Making new things is fun, but I really wanted to add in the projects I had that were started to get them done too. I filled an entire page in my projects book with the things from just one box. A lot of the stuff I found just needed a few seams fixed, or a lining material. A lot of them I seem to have run out of the thread color I needed and hadn’t gone back to fix it. Grrr..  It’s easy to forget about projects when they get tucked into a box, or in my case, I get confused or frustrated with them. I forget that I can’t learn how to be a better seamstress if I don’t persevere and learn new techniques.

So this week I focused on finishing both old and new projects. I sewed the top of the rainbow snowball quilt together. It’s not perfect, but it turned out pretty.   It definitely showed me the value of  labeling quilt rows. somehow they got mixed up and I should have gone back to look at the pictures of it laid out instead of just continuing to sew it together. It’s not ironed yet and the dog tries to play with it on the floor, so I don’t have picture yet.

I also finished putting the bias tape on my strawberry dress. It has a black cotton background and is covered in tiny strawberries. I used red bias tape to finish the neck, armholes, and hem. It just needs a hook and eye or button loop at the top of the zipper. It is in the wash, but is adorable.

I also finished a present for some friends of ours. I’ll show a little preview picture, so as to not ruin the surprise


A little silver and pink hip belt for Etsy was also finished. All it needed was pink ties. It had probably been sitting there for over a year because I originally sewed it all without ties. It felt good to get it done. It’s really cute and I kind of want to keep it, but it’s similar to one I made myself and don’t wear often. I’m hoping someone else likes it more than I do and will wear it.

Now it’s back to finishing more projects. I’m working on this 6 pocket tote bag to go up on Etsy (  The accent fabric was part of my annual fabric box from my Mom. Thanks, Mom!


Hello again sewing machine!

I haven’t had to cook much over the weekend. Friday and Saturday were busy with party prepping and partying respectively. We’ve been busy eating all the party leftovers since then. I did make cheesy polenta with sautéed veggies for dinner tonight and will post the recipe details on Thursday.

I’ve been sorting and cutting fabric for my first official craft project for the year. I’ve not sewn anything in a few weeks and it’s funny how much I miss it. The project is a Strip Pieced Snowball Quilt, from the book “Making Scrap Quilts To Use It Up!” by Lynne Edwards. I have another project from this book that I started long go that’s about half done which I want to finish as well. I desperately need to use up my scraps. I have three overflowing boxes at the moment. The project in the book is made of blue strips, but I wanted to use rainbow colors. It will have cornerstones of black fabrics and black sashing. So far I’ve made 14 blocks and need to find some more yellows, oranges, purples, and greens to make the plan work. Here are some of the untrimmed blocks:

I’ve included a picture of what the finished quilt should look like below. Obviously my color scheme will be different, but it should still look pretty neat. It will be about twin sized.

I’m not sure what I am going to do with all quilts that I make during this challenge. Some of them I will keep and some may find their way to other people. I looked up some places to donate them to as well, so I should have enough places for them. Not all of the quilt projects will stay as full quilts. I want to experiment with making some quilted bags or other items to go on my Etsy store, Twinflower Fancies. No matter where the projects end up, or how many quilts I make, the point of this is to just keep making new things, and to finish the projects I have already started. I think I’ve made a good start. Now back to sewing!