Crafty · Life Posts · Sewing · Uncategorized

Sew What’s Up?

Having an injury that prevents me from sewing is really showing me how much I actually need to sew to keep myself on an even keel. I have other hobbies, like reading, marathoning Star Trek episodes, dancing, or finding all the book sales, but sewing is still one of my top three stress relievers. And believe me, I needed the stress relief!

Also, look, the book sale wasn’t my fault. It was to support a Catholic School! Don’t you want those kids to have a good education?! The Husband graciously drove me and found some good books as well.

I found a couple of psychology books, including a Brene Brown book. She’s fantastic and I still haven’t read most of her books, so I was excited to find it.

This book jumped into my bag when I wasn’t looking! Sneaky book!

Amazingly, I have put the books away already! I know, it’s super weird for me too, but we had a game night and needed the table space. Pictures for proof!

Here are a couple of quilts from one of the books. It has only a few blocks, but gives you at least two options for putting them together. The basic block and then a secondary setting option. It’s pretty cool.

We also went to a quilt show and although I was too shy to ask to take pictures of the quilts, there were lots of fabulous ones. It was one of those weird situations where it was all much older ladies and they seemed very confused by why us young whippersnappers were interested. There was a really cool music quilt that someone had made in high school to take to band camp, a really detailed landscape type quilt, fairy houses, and an amazing sewing themed quilt. That one had tons of appliqué and the Husband pointed out that several of the machines pictured on the quilt were “plugged in” across the quilt! It was so cool! I hope that one won first place. I did see a couple of scraps of fabrics that I have in my stash too, so that was fun.

I found a cool book too and some fun fabrics. They had a scrap table where you could stuff a bag for $5! Here’s my scrap haul and the book.

While we were there, I finally found the weighted rotary cutter that I have been looking for. I thought it would be easier on my thumb and wrist for cutting. You barely have to push at all because of the weight of the blade. Now I just have to get better at cutting clothes patterns out with a rotary cutter and I should be all set.

Speaking of which, I have used it already. I made a comment to a friend about working through my mending pile, since most of those things need less cutting and she replied with something a long the lines of “mending your clothes while mending your body.” I really liked that image and am trying to remind myself of it when I get frustrated with the slow pace.

Today, I cut off the elastic waistbands of two pairs of leggings to cut them down a little, and to replace the elastic with a yoga style band instead. They both hit at a weird place and would gradually be up around my ribs throughout the day. Since they are navy blue and grey, I didn’t want to just replace them. I need plain leggings, as well as plain dresses and shirts. So I added navy blue dpb to both for the new waistbands. I didn’t have any grey and it should be covered anyway.

These tea wallets were in my “to be finished” pile, so I sewed and turned them at least, but will have to figure out how much I can hand sew before I can do the buttons. I think I can probably do them one at a time.

Aren’t they adorable? I think I might try to sell them as a teacher set or something. They look so cute together.

I have also made blanket! It’s a very special sewing blanket and it’s surprisingly heavy. The Husband said I accidentally made a weighted blanket after I dropped it folded up on his arm. The pieces were 2 yards each, so it ends up being about a 100 inch square?

It is made with blue background dpb for the sewing machines and a strawberry red french terry on the back. I serged the edges together and am very happy with it. I was originally going to make something to wear, but the pattern is really big comparatively and a couple of other people made blankets with it on the sewing boards. It’s a little too warm still to use it now, but I think I will love it in the winter, as I am always cold.

I made these dog themed pictures for the September celebration of Fancy’s “Gotcha Day” and still need to put paw prints on one and a picture of Fancy on the other. I think they look cute even without the finishing touches though too. The Husband likes them as well.

So there is my recent sewing update! I’m relearning how to work around things and have also been reorganizing the basement, so it’s been a process. A good process that I will be glad to be done with at some point! I have to get back to that part though. There’s fabric in the wash I just remembered that I forgot about!


The Sew Before The Storm

We’re supposed to get 50 mile an hour winds tomorrow through Monday and the last time we had sustained high winds, we lost power. Send us good thoughts! Neither Fancy or I are cut out to be cold, alone, and menaced by the dark! This is how Fancy feels about it. Right there with you, Fancy… Right there with you!

I did have some fun outside of sewing this month. I went to an aerial yoga class and am planning on going tomorrow again. I also taught a Girl Scout Troop how to bellydance. Here I am demonstrating Isis Wings. They were sad that I didn’t have kid sized wings for them. It was lots of fun!

Here’s a closeup of my hair, because I can’t resist a chance to show off a good hair garden. 🙂

I have been cleaning and organizing downstairs more, as we got bigger shelves that fit two of my big fabric totes together. It made me realize just how much fabric I have. Here’s what the shelves now look like:

My fabrics are now all sorted by type and color, including the fat quarters and half yard pieces. The clothing fabrics are sorted into solid and printed knits. The woven pieces are also sorted. I even separated my patterns into clothes patterns and non-clothing patterns- so costumes, quilts, doll clothes, etc. It’s very nice to have everything organized.

While sorting things out, I discovered I have run out of several things I need to actually finish the few totes of UFOs. I need more D rings for my next set of hip wraps. I’ve decided to vend at a bellydance event in May, if there’s room, so I should probably make a few new things. Here are a couple of the combos. One of the peacock skirts will certainly be mine.

I want to make this one end up like this. I love the silver looks under the herringbone pattern.

I did add a button to this mushroom tote, but it looks like it pulls funny. I may have to redo it if it doesn’t relax.

One other thing I need to get additional material and black thread to finish is this dress, which is actually going to be a banded shirt. I was excited to wear it as a dress, but when I actually made it, it looks terrible! Too clingy! So I’m going to chop it off at the waist and add a black band to match the arm and neck bands. This is the Sweet Tee pattern from Patterns for Pirates. I have made it before as a shirt.

I have finished a couple things from the UFO bin. I sewed new buttons on a 3/4 length grey cardigan and mended a teal sweater that I have had lying around for at least a year or two. It just had a little hole in the back of the sleeve. Now I can wear it again and I have cleared out one bag of things that just needed to be taken apart for fabric, or just a little bit of a fix.

I made this beautiful sweater out of hacci, which is thinner, so I can wear it probably through three seasons. It’s a Fall In Love Sweater from Ellie and Mac. I have a couple more planned for this pattern. It’s a very good, basic sweater pattern. It has set in sleeves instead of raglan, so it looks more like a dress sweater than more casual. I need to go up a little bit in size, but it is designed to be a slimmer fit, so it’s not the pattern’s fault. I like it a lot! It makes me feel very pretty.

I used the same pattern to make this short sleeve shirt, but need to redo the hem and arm band. They will be of a different material, as I only had a yard of it.

It’s a cotton spandex blend, which has lovely drape and is very soft. I quite enjoy it. Now I just need some actual pants, not leggings, to wear with all these pretty shirts!

These are leggings, not pants, but they are still comfy.

I have to redo the polar bear waistband. It was unexpectedly not stretched enough. The middle ones have flamingos and is capri length. The black ones have a herringbone pattern on them and look very cool.

Speaking of cool… This is a picture of my state recently while organizing downstairs. Note the crazy eyes and the excessive layering in order to stay warm.

Please send a heater! Or warm weather. 🙂 I’m going to head upstairs and get warm again. Have a good (warm!) night!

Crafty · Sewing

Haunted By Past Projects

I hope you are all doing well. We finally have some nice weather and I took my lovely gift card to spend it all! I was very restrained.

The featured post is a knit that will be a simple dress. I also got some peacock fabric to make a bellydance costume, a piece of shirting to fix a too small project, and a cotton fabric that mimics wool for a jumper. I told one of my coworkers that I would show off the dress they had bought me after I made it. 🙂 The jumper fabric is one I’ve wanted for a while. I also snuck in some crazy flamingo fabric to make an apron. It was too much for a 50’s style poufy dress, I thought.

I also cleared off my sewing table downstairs and sorted some more boxes and unearthed projects from the past. I was disappointed with most of them. They all are too small! Yesterday was a super frustrating sewing adventure trying to fix them.

Take this dress for example:

Super cute, made from a vintage sheet. This was one of my first efforts and I misread the pattern and didn’t add a zipper. I took it to my MIL and said “Is there supposed to be a zipper?”  She very kindly didn’t laugh at me, just told me yes. I then promptly put it in a bin and forgot about it. The skirt part fits, but after I cut the back for the zipper, it doesn’t work. The Husband says I should keep intact for motivation, but it might get chopped for a skirt.

This was supposed to be pants, but I was silly, and didn’t wash the fabric, so it will shrink like crazy. Also, why in the world did I choose brown linen?!

I wouldn’t have worn these, even if they were the right size. Geez… Anyone want some linen remnants? I might make some tote bags for Etsy with them or something.

This dress is still in the muslin stage. I despise making muslins. Ick. You have to make two dresses, one of them unwearable, if you don’t use good fabric. I understand why you would want to make a muslin, I just haven’t.

I may try to dye this after I’m done. It has some complicated techniques that I wanted to try before using my fancy (not brown) linen. Maybe I can actually use this muslin!

I cut out a new pattern this weekend, despite Fancy not wanting me to do anything but pet her. 🙂

I pulled a couple of fabric possibilities for it. This red batik has a very light floral pattern.

This fabric was originally grey; however I washed it with a large piece of purple batik and now it’s light purple… It still looks pretty.

I want to make the red in the first version and the purple one in the second, without a high low hem.

Now, I did end up with one successful project at least.

I had tried serging the edges of the white fabric and it was not a pretty sight. Now it has pretty edges and strawberries on the back!

I realized I make pretty aprons for my Mom, but forget to make them for me! How silly!

Well, that’s my UFO update for now. I’m hoping to have some more to report next week. The Husband has started asking me “What do you need to finish?” when I say I don’t know what to sew.

Wish me good seams! And less frustration!

Monthly Review · Recipe Roundup

Monthly Review

I intended to write this earlier, but it’s raining, gross and cold, and then this happened.

How could I be expected to resist the sleeping puppy lure? Now she’s ready to play again and the Husband and I are sleepy and ready for longer naps. 🙂

We had luckily already taken her to the dog mall before it started raining, where she was petted by several strangers, including several teens. She also saw her favorite employee at the dog bakery and got a sample treat.

I had an exciting ravioli tutorial to share before I did the review. My friend gave me this ravioli maker which made my ravioli skills much nicer.

It is the coolest thing! 

First, you put the pasta sheet down over the metal part and the gently put down the white part into it to make a depression. Then you fill the middles and put down the other sheet.

Roll over the ravioli and it seals and cuts it!

Then you have beautiful pasta, just waiting to be used for delicious dinners.

We’ve had them in a mushroom cream sauce twice.

We also used the last of the carne asada in mac and cheese.

It was pretty good, but could have been a little creamier.

So on to the review…

Sewing Review

I just finished this little purse yesterday to take when I didn’t want my big bag.

I did something silly though. I sewed two zippers, though I didn’t need the “extra” pocket piece, and now have two zippers for just the one pocket, instead of two pockets…. I wasn’t using a pattern, so got a little confused on what went where. I’m debating taking it apart to fix it, but it might not get done before the trip.

My other completed projects this month were the wedding quilt in the featured picture, the world computer bag, and the infinity dress.

I also bought new patterns. The one on the bottom right is a knit dress. I’m working on it tonight, I think, if Fancy will let me stop petting her long enough. 🙂

I have one of the other wedding quilts in progress and one pinned, so made some progress on that. Overall, I’m pretty pleased with the sewing I did this month. I finished a bunch of projects and it felt nice to check some big things off my list.

Goals for April

* Make a dress

* Make leggings

* Finish a quilt


Food Review

We used 17 recipes, 8 of which were new recipes. Hits were the cheese fondue, chicken and gnocchi soup, Irish Whiskey ice cream, rigatoni with sausage, chocolate oreo ice cream, and the chicken ravioli.

I don’t think we had too many misses. None horrible enough for me to remember at least. I suppose that good…


Food Goals

* Teach the Husband how to sear pork

* Put together freezer meals

* Meal plan

Overall, a pretty good month. I would like to do more with recipes, but my evening schedule is real weird right now. Well, I’m just gone a lot, so not really weird, just late.

Fancy-pants is staring sadly at me from the hallway. She feels her ratio of play to naps has been sorely neglected today. I’d better go fix that. I hope your weekend is off to a great start!

Crafty · Monthly Review · Sewing

Monthly Review

Here’s to another month! January flew by as usual. We had a lazy first weekend in February. Fancy spent most of her time playing tug with the Husband and her rapidly shedding rope toy, or snoring on my lap. She did not move for much of anything. She was not interested in the puppy bowl, although she was a little confused by the puppy squeaks. She squeaked her ball a lot though, in protest of us watching other pups.

I think I’m off to a good start with sewing. I’ve been working on a bunch of projects and I made some things that I needed and finished a bunch of projects from the UFO box.

This project takes care of both of those categories. I made some hot pads for the kitchen. One has a loop and one doesn’t. They came out a little small, so we’ll probably use them for trivets.

They were easy to make, but not too pretty on the other side. Yikes.. The binding was too big.

I have also started a new rainbow quilt. I’m not counting this one against my total. It’s technically for an old project that I hadn’t started yet.

I swear to finish something big soon. My quilt tops are stacking up. If I don’t finish some, I’ll have to get a bigger tote. I’m considering just backing everything with fleece. I have batting for a bunch of them, but not all.

So for UFOS I have made 13+ tea wallets, the hot pads, a Christmas zippered pouch, the evil fairy bag, and the library bag.

For new projects, I made a self-drafted tunic and the castle shirt.

I have also added two more quilt tops. Well, partial. They aren’t sewn together yet. They are also rainbow, since I apparently can’t do anything else. I think I’ve decided on this block for the pastel rainbow one. I found a cute white on white floral to use for the center of the blocks. I may need to make a few more of the scrap blocks depending on how the layout looks. I also have the chevron one in the featured pic.

Man… sometimes admitting the things I haven’t finished yet makes me cringe. I don’t normally put stock in negative self talk for motivation, but apparently sometimes it works. I’ll be working on some backed up projects for sure this month.

I’ve done much better in food terms this week. 15 new recipes and 12 new cookbooks. Hits were the lamb, the cinnamon ice cream, the Parmesan crusted chicken, and the Gordon Ramsey noodle and mushroom dish.

The hotpot was also a hit. It was a fun dinner with bonus noodle soup!

Misses were the pho (smelled like “lamb and feet”) and the pie contest apple pie. Not too bad for the month.



– Make the dragon dress

– Fancy up my work clipboards so I don’t get them mixed up with the office ones.

– Fully finish a quilt.

– Sew a pair of leggings! (Eek! Sewing with knits!)

Food goals:

– Use the InstantPot

– Try a new breakfast recipe

– Try a new lunch recipe

– Meal Plan/Pantry shop

– Make more ice cream! (Yes, I know it’s winter, but ice cream!)

I will also try to snuggle this puppers more to her standards. She feels sadly lacking in the snuggle department… You can plainly see she’s terribly sad about it. She probably also needs more treats. I mean, how could we resist?

I think I’ll take her current example and take myself off to bed. Have a lovely, restful night!


Things I Could Have Been Doing Instead of Paperwork

Paperwork… Terrible, easily forgotten paperwork. Cause of Fancy’s dismay and tendonitis. I got very behind on paperwork at one of my offices and it was not good. It ate up all my Fancy play time and all my crafting time.

Fancy started pushing the computer off of my lap after a certain amount of time, or trying to sit on top of it. The picture is from one of those nights. I did finish the paperwork and will definitely not let it get that bad again.

I did manage to get some new tea wallets done. I swear I will make other things too. These were the final part of the Hawthorne and Vine order. I also need to make some college themed ones, but they are not there yet.

Here’s picture of the new tea wallets. The Husband picked out the candy corn.

The insides are a mix of black and orange fabrics. And the second row. This one has ones from the last post, but also a picture of the darling pumpkin button I found in my stash. How perfect is that for a Halloween tea wallet?

I also finished the first part of the second office picture. It needs the words still, but I left those at work today by accident. I have some time tomorrow to try to finish it.

The red fabric for the Rainbow Snowball Quilt got washed as well. I have plans for this long weekend when I can use the table to tie it. Then it can be delivered!

Now for the things from my ever-growing project list that I wanted to be doing instead of paperwork…

These sets of bellydance hip wraps.

Finishing these bags…

The top one is one of the 6 pocket bags. The bottom is a market tote that I may have sewn the handles wrong. It’s been in the UFO tote for long enough that I think I need to get another set of directions. There are many more projects waiting as well, but these would be a good start.

I am looking at recipes for tea blends for a ladies’ only tea making party on Sunday the 3rd. I have a few friends coming and need to dry some herbs and get some tea.

Now that my paperwork is done, I can get back to sewing and hopefully have a few more things done before my next review.

Fancy will hopefully stop giving me the look of betrayal soon for neglecting her while finishing notes. It’s quite sad, I’m sure you will agree. I’ve had to give her extra cuddles to make up for it.