“I believe that imagination inspires nations. It’s something that I live by.”-Janelle Monae
“Our imaginations are strong as children. Sometimes they get shoved aside, these imaginations. They get dusty and mildewed with age. The imagination is a muscle that has to be put to use or it shrivels.”-Julianna Baggott
“Fairy tales opened up a door into my imagination – they don’t conform to the reality that’s around you as a child. I started reading when I was three and read everything, but I wanted to be an actress.”-Kate Atkinson
“I believe in the power of imagination. I believe in the unexplained possibilities of the spirit. And I believe that the heart, like any other muscle, grows stiff if it is not exercised regularly. I believe.”
― Eve Zibart, The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World for Grown-Ups