Adventures · Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Harvard Museum of Scientific Instruments

Here’s the website for the museum.

They had a small part of their collection in the museum itself and a larger part in the the online catalog, so I would recommend taking yourself on a virtual tour to see more.

Gardening · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Houseplants

A baby Haworthia which went to a friend. I have several more though!
Prayer Plant and a Haworthia
Hoya, spider plant, and a nerve plant
Appropriately- a Rainbow vine begonia
Adventures · Sewing

Wordless Wednesday- Original Sewing and Quilting Expo- Animal Quilts

I went to the the Sewing and Quilt Expo this past weekend with K and we had such fun, even though it was significantly smaller than in previous years. The classes were excellent though and I’ll write more about them later. For now, here’s the animal quilts I saw there.

This one is called Dog Pile and I only have a partial pic to remind me of the name. I ordered the pattern to make Piggy a quilt.

Adventures · Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Vacation Ice Cream

I forgot to write down where we had our ice cream from on our out East trip in September, so you’ll just get the pictures and if I can remember, the flavors and places. We had a couple more too that I didn’t get pictures of. Not quite every day, but close to it at least!

Pizzi Farm was a really cute local place close to our motel by Boston. They had a Cowch, as well as good ice cream. They were super busy, but had lots of room and a really fun variety of people for people watching. I had a flavor with Bailey’s and Kaluha and the Husband had a caramel brownie one, I think?

It was a miserable dribble for our first night in Bar Harbor and this ice cream was not as good and didn’t have much variety, so I have blissfully forgotten the name of the place. It was a touristy place on the main street though. Sadly, they didn’t even have waffle cones! The Husband got a cookies and cream flavor and I had a kalua flavor.

This was the second night in Bar Harbor and the ice cream parlor we chose that day was a much better choice! I have forgotten the name, but it might have been Mt Desert Ice Cream because I think I remember the name of the street being Firefly Lane. I had a black raspberry that was delicious and The Husband had a double chocolate.

The Husband had a salted caramel and a chocolate combined, I believe. I had a blueberry crumble and coconut combined one. This one was from Gelato Fiasco, which yes, we went to because of the name. It did turn out to be excellent gelato though.

We did have ice cream a few more times, but I didn’t get a picture. Hope these pictures made you hungry at least!