Gardening · Life Posts

Gardening, Here We Come

The Husband said I had to write about our gardening adventures because “we did a lot and it still hurts, so everyone has to know!” He’s got a way with words, that one… We did honestly do a lot though and I’m excited to get such an early start. I just have to keep an eye out for frost advisories.

I experimented with starting from seeds this year. A few more of them need to go in the garden still, but it poured so hard today that I had to dry off Fancy when she had to go outside. We did put in some plants and the Husband told me about the bulb planter that we had that I didn’t know we had. It cuts a neat little hole out of the soil! It was very helpful. I was covered in dirt, so didn’t get a picture of it, but it’s a cool tool.

We had pepper, tomato, carrot, onion, cabbage, broccoli and watermelon seeds that sprouted. They were a little sad looking when I put them in the soil, so I’m hoping that they will perk back up. Otherwise, I will need to plant some more and try again.

The seeds we are using are from a seed vault that I convinced the Husband I needed back in our last appointment when my prepper anxiety was at it’s peak. (We also ended up with a 12 inch cast iron Dutch oven…) I hadn’t wanted to use them until I had a real garden and they were sealed up super tight. Apparently they will keep for a rather long time if I refrigerate them. They were from the Patriot Seed Company.

There are a lot more seeds than I can use and some that I know we won’t eat, so I’m trying to figure out what to do with them. If you want a packet of cauliflower seeds, let me know!

So the can itself was sealed with a piece of heavy duty electrical tape and then the seeds were double sealed in a resealable foil packet and vacuum packed in an even smaller foil pack. They included all the info you needed to plant them too.

We’ll see how they do. I planted only two of them. I wasn’t sure how much cabbage we would eat.

Another proactive thing I did this year was to cage the spots where I want the tomatoes to grow. I only have twine on one of them so far, due to the rain, but the plants are still pretty short, so I have a little bit of time. Here is a picture of the tomato spots ready to be caged. Hopefully that will help keep them in check this year.

I have a couple of pepper plants planted at the corner, I think. We have sprinklers in both middles, as last year our soaker hoses seemed to not be working well. Here is the pepper and other veggie bed.

All the places with sticks or stakes have something planted there. I’m just waiting to see what grows. The carrots are along the back, onions are along the side, and broccoli and cabbage are along the front. I’m planning on planting peas or beans where the little cage is and trying zucchini staked vertically in a pot. I also have rhubarb to grow in a large pot and a bunch of strawberries, some of which are from last year. They survived the winter and I bought another pack of the roots.

My herbs will go into a cinder block pyramid by the garage, but the space isn’t cleared yet. We’re also planning to have berry boxes by the garage, to keep them out of the yard, but those will be a multi-year project before they grow viable fruit. This Saturday we are planning on tackling those areas. Luckily, we have our massage the next day, so will be hopefully less stiff for Monday. I will also remember to put on sunscreen, so will hopefully not have weird sunburn marks again.

Speaking of general yard work, after our garden work on Saturday, we tackled the front of the house which had gotten to be a disaster. We do have birds nesting in one of our window boxes, so although we took down two of them, we couldn’t get that one down yet. The birds freak out if we get too close. The part we did work on was the part to the right of this picture.

We’ve also chopped down the wisteria (we think?) by the front door as it kept trying to trap us in the house and brought a ridiculous number of beetles with it. That thing was hideous. We tore out all the daisies, which look half dead for most of the year, the terrible asparagus plants (actually yuca?,) and the random big purple bush thing. It felt lovely to rip it all out and start again. We planted two hydrangeas to match the ones we already had. Here’s some in progress pictures:

Ugh! I hated those plants with a passion. There was a layer of landscape fabric and what looked like lava rocks and a plastic layer under all the dirt. The fabric stuck to the roots, but we left the plastic down. I may have done a happy dance when we finally got rid of those terrible plants. Now it looks a little pathetic, but hopefully the hydrangeas will grow quickly.

I don’t have a picture of the jungle we’re tackling next week, but will make sure to grab before pictures. I’m excited to get things cleaned up. Last year, we didn’t have time or energy enough to start on things. This year, we’re planning small, specific chunks of time and projects and that seems to be working better. Maybe in 5 or so years, the yard will be what we want it to be. πŸ™‚

For now though, I should probably go to bed, so I have some energy left for my long day tomorrow. Wednesdays are not my favorite days. Have a lovely night!

Crafty · Gardening · Sewing

Sew Much Fun!

Ha! Sewing puns…. They go well with my sewing machine leggings!

I was so excited to finally get these made. I now want all the leggings fabric though… It’s cool to have leggings just the right size for me. πŸ™‚

We went to our good friends’ house for J’s birthday party over the weekend and while the Husband played Halo 2, I sewed along with his wife. πŸ™‚ I was super productive and ended up making 2 pairs of leggings, one regular and one capri length, and a new woven shirt.

The shirt is a flamingo shirt. Printed cotton front, black cotton back.

I’m going to wear it to my teen group on Monday. I don’t think they quite believe me on how much I like flamingos. I modified my regular shirt pattern for it. It’s the same as the Castle shirt. I’m trying to convince my friend to try wovens and I think this might have helped win her over a little. πŸ™‚

Here are the leggings:

They don’t look terribly different, but I assure you, they are different sizes. πŸ™‚ They are made with performance fabric/ athletic knit from Joann’s. I’m still working on my waistbands. The measurements on my pattern seem off. The pants part don’t stretch as much and I haven’t quite figured out the correct length yet for it.

They are very smooth and nice to wear. They aren’t see through at all and stay up. I wore the capri ones to do a spot of yard work on Sunday and they were nice and cool. We, of course, did a bunch of yard work and then couldn’t leave it alone even after cleaning up. I took down a tree wearing my lace trimmed tunic and flip flops.

I was super proud. πŸ™‚ Fancy was very excited to help us take care of the rest of the tree.

She broke that branch off by herself after peeling all the bark off and snapping all the dry branches off. She was quite excited.

It rained a bunch on Saturday, so I did some more work on UFO’s. The rainbow railroad quilt is done! I don’t have a picture, but it’s backed with a brown doggy print fleece that was hiding in our guest room where I promptly forgot about it. Darn safe places!

I do have a sneak peek picture of a present for a friend that was finished on Sunday. Β I saw the fabric and couldn’t resist. I hope she likes it too!

We’re seeing our friend soon, so I’ll show you the full picture after that. πŸ™‚

Staying up late to sew had a lovely ending this morning, although I was very sleepy. This fabric really wanted to be a flirty, twirly dress, and now it is!

It has a pocket! Just one because I wanted to get it done. It’s big enough for my phone and keys. I will be fixing the sleeves, they are tight. It makes me feel super cute though and I love how it looks on me. There are more twirly dresses in my future!

I’m going to try to get some more of the in progress projects done. It’s lots of fun to make new things, but I’m kind of forgetting about the things waiting to be finished, which is a bad habit of mine.

The basement work area desperately needs to be organized again. Perhaps I will have an organizing day on Friday. If you don’t hear from me over the weekend, I’ve been eaten by a fabric monster. Send a search party!

With that said, I hope you have a great night!

Monthly Review

Monthly Review

We have been busy beavers lately. Last year at this time, I had three jobs and was rapidly losing my mind. This year, I can actually focus on the house and yard. I feel much more settled.

We finally put up the hanging pegs we decided we needed in the bedroom. I think we’re going to paint it blue maybe, to match the bottom walls, but for now it’s grey.

We have some spring bugs coming in again, so it really was time to get my purse and work bag off the floor. The Husband also hung new work lights downstairs over my sewing area and now I really need to clean it up. I can see everything! 😳 I knew I had to clean up anyway, in prep for moving back down there for the summer sewing season, but those lights make it hard to ignore things.

We also broke down yard projects by section last weekend and started on some of them this weekend. We chopped a bunch of the out of control front landscaping and I pulled everything from the side of the garage. This was about halfway through.

I ripped weeds! Pulled dead things! I tore out trees! With my bare hands! Well… with a huge trimmer, while wearing gloves. πŸ™‚ Now it looks like this:

Doesn’t it look so much better already? I’m going to put my fairy garden here. It will mostly be in planters and will have butterfly and bee friendly flowers in it. If the ground cover gets too crazy, we may rip it all and put down mulch.

The Husband chopped up some tree limbs that had fallen on our windy day, mowed the grass, and wielded the leaf blower and hedge trimmer. I feel much better about the yard now knowing we can take it in small chunks and get things done.

We were going to get the garden started, but we couldn’t find the tiller at our inlaws. We did get it staked.

Hopefully next weekend, we can till that spot up and get started. So that’s some yard/ house projects from the month. Let’s move on to the food!

Food Review

I used 19 recipes this month. 10 were new recipes. Hits were the fried chicken, prosciutto wrapped chicken, the white pizza sauce, and the dulce de leche ice cream.

The pasta in this picture is homemade fettuccine! Pasta is definitely not as scary as I always thought it was.

Chicken seems to turn out well for me. It’s one of the meats I can regularly eat more than once without texture issues. I also made a different version of spaghetti with a can of sauce and 3 cans of tomatoes. It was much less liquid.

We did have some misses, including one that was so bad, I didn’t even blog about it! 😬 It was a crockpot version of Italian Wedding soup, Β but it got weird after the noodles were added and got all slimey and starchy. Blech. I don’t even want to talk about it, except to say, don’t cook noodles in the crockpot ever… The other miss was more of just an “eh..” moment. Beef stew in the crockpot. Wasn’t great, wasn’t horrible.

I honestly think that this blog has improved my cooking skills. I wasn’t as confident about trying new recipes, or trusting my instincts when it came to seasoning. We also haven’t had very many misses lately, so that has to count for something. I also used my spice grinder that I got for Christmas and will be definitely using it again. It made it very easy!

Speaking of skills that have improved, let’s move on to the sewing review.

Sewing Review

I have made 5 projects this month. I have made four more in the past three days, but those haven’t been blogged about yet. Stay tuned for Monday or Tuesday!

My favorite has been my polka dot maxi skirt.

It’s so comfy and lovely. Plus, I saved $36, plus shipping! πŸ™‚

I actually loved everything that I’ve made and am proud that I’m using my stash. It’s so fun to walk in wearing something I made and get to tell people that.

Here’s my other polka-dotted item.

My secret pajama shirt with my very first knit neckband. It’s a proud moment for me. I blame my friend and Instagram for that. She and all these other people keep making all these cute knit things and I couldn’t be left behind!

So far, I’ve made 28 or 29 projects since January. If I keep this up, I might beat last year’s record!

So, for goals this month, I have mainly the same ones.

Food Goals

* Try a new technique, or equipment

* Meal plan consistently. I don’t know why this one is so hard for us, but it is. I end up panic cooking halfway through the year

* Pantry meals 1x per week, at least

* Make more side dishes


Craft/ Sewing Goals

* Complete decorating office clipboards

* Decide on summer decorations/ make summer decorations

* Complete Me Made May

* Go through clothes and get rid of unworn ones

* Make 2 solid color or neutral pattern dresses

* Use my serger!!

I think that’s it. I’ve got another shirt waiting on me to sew, and a sad puppy wanting pets.

Have a good night!